
Showing posts from February, 2018

rs Why Are You Trying To Reinvent The Wheel?

Hi,Ake here. If you're still struggling to get those first few dollars online, then this could be the big break you've been waiting for... With this proven system you can literally start generating totally passive income in just 15 minutes from now... Everything is done for you... And by 'done for you' - I mean DONE FOR YOU... you've never seen anything this complete before. Here a few things you DON'T have to do once you have Covert Commissions: * You don't have to sell anything... You read that right - with this system all you have to do is give away valuable free reports... then they do the selling for you! Most people hate trying to sell stuff... now you're free of that headache forever! * You don't have to write a single word yourself! Everything is done for you - no more long, agonizing hours writing, or spending huge amounts on unreliable ghostwriters... * You don't need any technical knowledge... Don

How to Plan Your Affiliate Income Goals, Stay Organized & Track Your Monthly Earnings

Hi,Ake here. How much money is your website currently making from affiliate marketing? Do you know your exact monthly earnings for each partner? I used to only pay attention to the amount of money that was deposited into my bank account. I never cared to see which affiliates were earning my business more, or which products converted better. Whenever I finally got organized and began to keep track of my earnings for each affiliate partner I was able to use that information to increase my monthly income. I was surprised to see how much money each individual affiliate product or service brought in for my business. Being able to compare each item and see how and when I earned more money helped me create a strategy to continually increase my income month after month. I am a huge geek when it comes to spreadsheets, so I made an Affiliate Tracking Toolkit to help me stay on track with my affiliate marketing strategy. Here is a breakdown of how I stay organized and use each

It's working for me, you should try it too!

Hi,Ake. I discovered this software and ... if you are at all interested in earning income online you should check it out. A lot of programs claim to work, but they're usually either fake - or require you to know a lot of things, or a lot of the right people before you start seeing results This is different.  It cuts down the learning curve to practically zero - if you can copy and paste - you can make this work for you. I know that sounds too good to be true... But I've seen the system they have created - It's the real deal. They have completely eliminated the learning curve and done 99% of the work for you. In fact they have built us all a money making machine - I'm not kidding here... And it's one of the most insane things I have seen in all my years of internet marketing. * You don't have to sell anything * You don't need to learn HTML or any other   techy stuff * You don't need to have your own website   autoresponde

Are You Making These Affiliate Marketing Mistakes?

Hi,Ake here. If you're still somewhat new to this whole affiliate marketing thing, then you know there is plenty of room to make mistakes. Every day and every promotion is a learning experience. But you can slash the learning curve by avoiding these three mistakes: Mistake 1: Promoting Anything and Everything Your subscribers and blog readers are looking for someone to lead them through the maze of new products that hit your niche every week. If you promote anything and everything as the best thing since sliced bread, you're just going to hurt your reputation. So what to do? Throw away the cut and paste ads the vendors give you, and write your own ads and reviews instead. Be honest about the product. Tell your prospects the good, the bad and the ugly about every product. If you don't recommend, tell them why. If you do recommend it, give them a good reason to buy through your link right now. Which brings us to the next point: Mistake 2: Not Adding Value A d

Three Surefire Ways to Power Up Your Affiliate Marketing

Hi,im Ake. Affiliate marketers everywhere are always looking for an edge to boost up their conversion rates and increase their commissions. If you're hunting for the holy grail of affiliate marketing, then look no further. Sometimes it's the simple things that make the biggest difference to your bottom line. Take a look at these three ways for growing your affiliate business. 1. Build a Responsive List There's a huge difference between merely building a list and building a responsive list. Most every affiliate knows to build a list, but very few know how to create a responsive list with engaged subscribers. Check out these tips: Set expectations upfront. Your lead page and initial emails should make it clear what your list is about and why subscribers should be opening every email you send. People are more engaged when you meet their expectations. Stay in touch. You can't build a relationship by dropping people a line once a month. You should be sending ema